Well, I have now officially lost 135 lbs., with 20 more to reach the doctor's weight goal for me and 30 to reach the goal I have set for myself.....we'll see! Today I am wearing the pants that I referred to earlier in February that Lynn had gotten for me at Layne Bryant a year ago. My goal was to be able to wear them by the end of February, and I made it! They're still a little snugger than I like, but they don't hurt to sit or eat in them;....you know what I mean!!! I'm still walking at least Mon-Fri for about 45 minutes per day. I'm hanging in there! Oh! one more exciting thing....I have NEVER owned a UK t-shirt, but Michael decided I needed one, so he bought me a really cute pink one yesterday in a size L, and it fit! I probably won't put it in the dryer, but that's okay!