Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday, July 23rd

I haven't lost anymore weight this week, but that's okay, I'm cool with it. I did go into Kohls today though and was looking through the clearance racks. I didn't try anything on, but soon I will be needing to make a few purchases to get me through. In looking I did find this one top that was a 1X and I really liked it, but it wasn't clearanced enough yet for me to justify buying it. What I noticed was that I kept wanting to go through the 3X's and look at those. It was like my mind just couldn't look through and pass up the larger sizes. My head is still so wrapped up in buying the larger sizes and I even found myself thinking "I don't want to get something too tight, and not end up being able to wear it". It's like while my mind knows I will continue to lose weight, I still can't quite wrap my head around it. I felt like if I had tried something on today I probably would have tried to make sure it fit comfortably, and would have been afraid of buying something that might still be a little snug. I'm not sure if any of this makes sense, but I'm trying to explain it. I did eat some french fries today from Wendy's and I felt really bad about it. Now mind you, I only ate a few, but my again "my head", still thinks I'm going to gain weight if I eat something I shouldn't. While I know I do have to be careful with the carbs, I don't think I'm eating enough carbs that they could possibly do much harm for me. Still so much to learn about my thoughts about food and buying clothes.

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