Saturday, February 26, 2011

SIZE 16!!!!

I went to Cato's last night and tried on some pants.....the 18's were too big.....the 16's are still just a little snug, but they fit!!!!! I was sooooo.......excited! I actually had to move over to the other side of the store!!! WOO HOO!!!! That was so very difficult in my head to fathom.....I kept going from one side of the store to the other, thinking I must have missed something in the plus sizes.

Since Dianne moved in I haven't been going to the gym, and I keep thinking I need to force myself to get up there, but just haven't gotten me there yet. I have exactly 50 lbs till I reach my goal and I'm sure going to the gym would give me a jump start. I have been walking at work about a mile or so a day, and the past couple of weeks two of the elevators have been out, so I've been climbing the stairs. It is getting easier, and I really think I've noticed a difference in my hips since climbing the stairs. As long as my knee doesn't start acting up I will keep climbing the steps.

It's been a good week in my journey!!!

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