Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13, 2011

Can you believe Christmas is just six weeks away??? I can't, and more than that I can't believe we are just over a week from Thanksgiving and from pulling out the Christmas decorations. I have now lost a grand total of 137 lbs....and 33 more to go till I reach my goal! YESS!!!!!! I am starting to think I might actually reach my goal. For a while there it still seemed so far out that I couldn't even imagine that I might really reach the end goal...but now I am starting to feel like it may really happen some day. I told Keith yesterday that I think it might be time to do some more updated photos soon....maybe this week. I am at that place now where when I lose five pounds I feel like I can really see it. If you've ever really been overweight you know there comes a place where you can lose 5 lbs, and nobody but you know you've done will sometime take 40 lbs or more before others really begin to see it, but I feel I'm finally in that place were even just a few pounds at a time are starting to make a difference.

My plan for this next week is to stay positive in every aspect of my life....we're still waiting for Keith to get back to work, and after about 5 months, that seems like a dream....Brock starts his job this week finally, and Dianne is hoping to get to go home soon. part in all of this is to remain positive, keep praying that things will start to roll here and we can start moving on with our lives. I feel like we've been spinning our wheels for so long without any progress, and I'm ready to get things going! So...I pray for Brock to be successful this week and enjoy his job, and for Keith to get the call from Toyota that they have found a place for him! If all of these things get going, I think it will really help me to stay focused on my weight loss. Just because I had weight loss surgery doesn't mean that I never get discouraged and want to eat out of discouragement and I WILL STAY ON TOP OF IT THIS WEEK!

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