Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011....It's a Wrap!

Yes, it's been a while since I last blogged. Someone asked me a few days ago if I had stopped, but no, I haven't stopped I've just been engaged in life, and had so many changes over the past few weeks that I haven't really had much time for blogging. Two weeks ago we got Dianne moved back to her house, and the day after she moved out Michael came home to stay, so we've just been very busy changing and rearranging.....then of course it was time for Christmas...WHEW!!!!

I must admit that through the holidays I have been extremely laxed on my eating and I have had deserts galore!!! Did they make me sick??? Well, sometimes yes, and sometimes no. Last night though I was looking through a friends pictures (a friend who had gastric bypass a few years ago), and in looking through those pictures I realized that this particular friend is just as big now, maybe bigger than before bypass. It really opened my eyes to the fact that this battle I fight every day is still very much there. Last check I had gained about 4 lbs since the start of the holiday season, which isn't too terribly bad considering I haven't been able to walk for about 6-8 weeks because of the stress fracture in my foot. HOWEVER....I'm sure my friend didn't think it was too bad when they gained the first 4 lbs back either, and now I can only imagine how that person must feel. My battle is LONG from over, and in reality I will say this battle will never be over, at least until the day I meet Jesus face to face.

I don't believe in New Year's resolutions, however if I did, I would say that my goal for 2012 will be to finish losing the 33 lbs I still want to lose. I will try walking here in a week or so and see how my foot does; and hopefully that will be a go, and I'll be able to get back on track fairly quickly. Even with gastric bypass, I have discovered that exercise is still very much a vital role in the success of my weight loss. Not to mention that it really does make me feel better.

I hope each and every one of you have had a very Merry Christmas, and like me are looking forward to 2012. Twenty-eleven hasn't exactly been the best year for the Carroll's, so we are hoping 2012 will bring some positive changes to our lives, and hoping things will get back on track for us.

From our home to yours, wishing you all a very Happy and Safe New Year!

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