Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Almost February!

I can hardly believe that January is gone!!! I have still only lost 4 of the 5 lbs I gained during the holidays, but that's okay....4 lbs in a month isn't too bad. Prior to surgery I would have been thrilled to have lost all but 1 lb of my holiday weight by the end of January. The big challenge for February will be mine and Brock's birthdays are this month, and of course it's Valentine's Day. We tend to eat a lot over our birthday weekend. I suppose we should be thankful that we have both birthday's and Valentine's Day all together, so we can get it done in a few days and have the rest of the month to recover.

I have noticed that my clothes are feeling better because I have been walking at work, so that's a good thing. I do have this one pair of pants that Lynn picked up for me last year at Lane Bryant that are a size 14, that are still just a smidgin' too tight. My goal for February is to get into those pants by the end of the month.....hmmm......we'll see!

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